Thursday 29 June 2017

Pretty broken things

When I'm making the videos and stills that I post on YouTube, Tumblr and my favorite group on Facebook , Glitch artists collective, I use three separate forms of source material : my own original content , out of copyright or creative commons , or very rarely contemporary news video or other work still under copyright . I try to credit if I'm using material I've sourced online - but generally the final work bears no resemblance to the original - that is the nature of glitch art , online content becomes raw material to be used and reused within the context of online culture , the raw material is just the carrier for what comes after .

I've spent the last week working on a video I ended up calling  'Pretty broken things' . Below is an excerpt , the full video is on my Peertube channel here 

I found the original on ( a good source for sauce) , I was looking for something to play with that reflected the spirit of 68 in response to an open call for video work I'd found on Artconnect ( )- a good resource for finding exhibitions and opportunities for artists ( if you are interested heres the link for the open call - ). This is the link to the sauce video -

So just for the hell of it and to give an insight into some of the processes I use these days I'd thought I'd create a walk through of the tools and commands that I used .

So first off I sourced the video from the above link - but the resolution was below what I needed to play with so I had to upscale it in Openshot ( an open-source video editor common to most linux distros  to 720p ( 1270x720 ) - left that running for a while until I had the final file which I then divided into two films of equal length , as I wanted to divide the film into individual frames for the next part of the process.

When I'm outputting to single frames it usually ends up as 1000 plus stills , so to make it easier I'll set up two folders within a master called a and b - . A contains the original stills , b is where I output the worked on frames . The first command to use (from the terminal) is within the a folder where I've also put the video section : 'ffmpeg -i acidclip1 -vf fps=23 image-%03d.xwd'  ( it took a few hours to do this and resulted in over 17000 frames ) so that command  uses a program called ffmpeg ( ) to divide each second of the video ( hasty calculation to make sure I have enough space on the external hardrive ) into 23 frames and output each frame in xwd format ( ) , xwd is an interesting image format similar in texture and the way it can be made to break to ppm or bmp .

So now I have the raw frames I want to do something to them , ie break them in a particular way ( in the video you can see progressive lines and broken multicolours in bands and edge waving into the black edges of where the video was upscaled - one of my favourite effects ) . For this I use a bash script that I've worked on for a while , the original was created by Mandy Tonks as a way of creating what is know as the wordpad effect from the command-line , I found her website back in 2012 but the links have since disappeared - so Mandy if you have a new website that I can link to drop me a line ) . A useful explanation of what the wordpad effect is can be found here ( from 2008 ) . The command I use looks like this :

find . -type f -name '*.xwd'|while read filename; do echo ${filename};xxd -p ${filename} | sed 's/ddd/eee/g' | xxd -r -p >/home/ian/Desktop/ck/b/${filename}; done

It looks for a file with the .xwd extension ignoring anything else , then converts it to hex ( xxd ) then does a global replace (using sed ) of the first hex value ( ddd) with the second hex value ( eee) , then converts the output from hex back into the original file format , but in the new directory I've specified (b). It keeps on doing that until it has worked on each file in the current directory , its an automated form of hex-editing , one of the cornerstones of glitch art ( I will usually try a few different values before settling on a final overall run - its easy enough to let the command run through a few files then press ctrl c to halt it - I use imagemagick viewer or xnviewmp to check out they are interesting enough to carry on - some values will stop the file being readable so it takes a bit of experimentation ) imagemagick can be found here

When all the files are converted ( in this case for both halves it took maybe a day to convert to images then hex edit  ) I change to the output directory and convert the stills back into video using ffmpeg again ' ffmpeg -i image-%03d.xwd acidclip1.mpg ' . I then remove all the xwd files - they take up a lot of space - in each directory with ' rm *.xwd' . 

Having done this to both files I then open openshot and recombine both files with the audio from the original - but now I want to change the audio so having experimented on the original file being converted to cavs ( ) and hex edited producing some intriguing sounds

I wanted the sound to be almost legible as speech but not quite . Like aliens talking in the next room. So the file wouldn't convert back in full length after hex editing but it would play through using ffplay ( a function of ffmpeg - you can play a video from the commandline if you have x running say ' ffplay -i acidclip.avi ' . So with the video playing on one computer I fed the output through the headphone output to the input of another laptop and recorded it using audacity ( which can also be used to glitch images and video ) find it here

So to assemble the complete video and audio I then opened the final files in flowblade  ( ) placing the audio over the final video and silencing the audio  that I didn't want - the audio that I recorded through the second laptop was only ten minutes long as opposed to the final 22 of the video so I had to play about a bit to get a full length , so I muted the original ten minutes and replaced it with the glitched audio, the placed it over the final ten odd minutes so they play against each other . I kind of like the effect .

And thats pretty much it for the process , it seems involved and complicated , a lot of it is waiting around for files to process when its something this long , and often because all my equipment is second hand and long in the tooth I'm carefully watching heat stats and loads so nothing breaks down - you have to know how far you can push your equipment , especially if you can't afford to replace it . 

Oh yes - I only use linux , that's it , nothing else , I distro hop quite a lot so the machines I use are a variety of debian based Lmde 2 and linuxmint 18 - both to be found here .

Thursday 9 February 2017

Foundation 14 - all your data is art (how to break nearly everything)

In 2013 I was part of the first Foundation series of art exhibitions in Tullamore Co.Offaly  curated by Brendan Fox . During foundation 13 I gave a talk and workshop about circuitbending and glitch art which was well received, and showed one of my first databent videos here which sat in the basement of an old shop and growled and grumbled threateningly . Next year they asked me back to do a further talk which I called ' All your data is art ' , except that year nobody turned up ! This blog post is more about what I would have talked about then and gives the background to how I started to work more in digital than paint .

Databending and circuitbending – web links


Start here – probably the clearest and simplest explanation as to method. Databending primer -

Philip stearns – puts the glitch to work , very important in popularising the ideas of glitch aesthetic

Rosa menkman – her vernacular of file formats is essential reading , but her website sunshine in my throat is more fun

essential reading for messing with jpegs gives good overview of file format construction.

For all your header file needs and understandings

find out what colours are in your files !

Definitions definitions definitions

the inestimable Antonio Roberts aka hellocatfood

Datamoshing ( its all about the i frames )

see some glitch art ! ( because it hurts my eyes)

more Rosa Menkman ( her online work)

on facebook many many groups but this one is open and accesible

Circuit-bending (remaking stuff to make it work in more interesting ways)

Circuit bending is more , shall we say ........ risky than databending . I advise caution and never to work on anything connected to mains power . Start with battery powered devices , like childrens toys , if working on cameras be aware that the flash capacitor if there is one ( large black round long thing near flash itself) holds a very high charge and can give you a nasty shock .so start at the first link and read carefully .

that's the site of Rheed Ghazala read more about him on wikipedia – he is a seminal figure in circuit bending ( especially for musical instruments and how to make things do things they really really shouldnt)

karl klomp for dirty video mixers and making things look wrong

mess with your monitor – I advise extreme caution here , if your playing with crt displays and you dont know what your doing you may end up dead , the voltages are that high , maybe chance the vga flatscreen hack ( its a cable splice project ) – but proceed carefully. So having said that heres the link , read everything carefully , download the pdf etc before doing it if your going to do it)

open source software.

I use linux , Debian to be precise , it works and keeps working  .You don't have too , but some databending stuff just works better . This one command line script

xxd -p somefile.mpeg | sed 's/a0/b0/g' | xxd -r -p > somefileglitched.mpeg ( where a0 and b0 are hex values which can be changed from 00 to ff or from 0000 to ffff or 000000 ffffff and all hex values in between) depending on target and file format

is the basis of most of my work , that and transcoding using ffmpeg, ( you can do it in windows but its so much easier from the linux command line) , though glitch is os agnostic flexibility is better.

Having said that here is a list of software to find which is all open source ( to see what i mean by that go here it explains why you cant do certain things on your windows or mac laptop and what the alternatives and issues are) some Ive included on this disc , some you will find yourself.

Avidemux ( good for iframe removal for that squishy datamosh feeling – also for converting your mpegs to mp4s and general format tomfoolery)
The gimp – photoshop replacement – open-source and free
vlc – the only media player to use ( good snapshot function for capturing that lovely glitch – plays corrupted files quite well also)
virtualdub – primitive non-linear editor
Audacity – sound ( and video editing he he he he)
yawcam – webcam monitor
picasa ( fault in file reading in wndows makes corrupted mpegs even more corrupt nice) though as of 2017 discontinued boo.
ffmpeg – commandline but can convert anything to anything really quickly.
Frhed – hex editor
notepad++ editor of choice for many .

The fun is finding new ways to do things , and that should be your guide , its all 0s and 1s a computer is agnostic , be prepared to break stuff , but remember always backup!

Sunday 8 January 2017

Year Zero post 2016 part two .

So having discovered there was a name for this supposed fault, I started taking cameras apart and rebuilding them in earnest , looking for the novel and whatever I could squeeze out of these mistreated web-cams and cameras that I found in car boot sales and charity stores , the older the better , rewiring , making breakout boxes and strange contraptions of wire and solder .

 So to start with I just started taking shots with the cameras and poking around the innards with a few wires shorting across the ccds from contact to contact , the results were interesting to say the least and very very immediate  , but still based in an aesthetic that I was used too , still life or self portrait , the old aesthetic - what would happen if I really started to corrupt the electronics and push them to the point of failure rather than being happy just to get a few more interesting effects , what would happen if I threw everything I knew away ?


To push things to the point of destruction I would need a different tool , something I could control and play with in real time - to that end I made a break out box , so I could connect one or even two cameras together to bleed into each other . And a program called yawcam a free to use web cam monitoring and recording program.

Breakout box

Year Zero post 2016 part one (with digressions )

 Lets forget all that painting stuff for a while and talk about what really occupies my time at the moment ( artists live in the present also ) . I play with computers a lot , have used them in my work to varying degrees since 1987 and pretty much full time since 2012 . I happened upon a cheap plasticcy digital camera that was being given away for cheap as a promotion by a dairy company here in Ireland ( Avonmore if ya really want to know ) it was a devil to find a driver for it but I did . before that I'd become increasingly fascinated by near infrared on digital cameras - I'd made a series of portraits using a few modified cameras which I turned into paintings .

I was quite pleased with the results , even tempted to look at landscape afresh ( landscape the last refuge of the scoundrel ) so looking for unique effects I kept on collecting cameras and taking them apart and rebuilding them using instructions I'd found online .

At some point one of the cameras I was playing with ( the cheap throw away - now there's a concept , a disposable digital camera ) did something unexpected .
At first the unexpected result stayed along with all my digital files on my hard drive . But I kept coming back to it .

At this point in 2012 I was rapidly becoming disillusioned with painting as a process , I'd had one solo exhibition in 2012 in the Signal arts centre in Bray and I'd been in a group show in Ranelagh arts center Dublin, the venues were great , I had the paintings to show , but I think I'd reached the end of what I could do then , easily bored I wanted something new to play with. (I have a love hate relationship with painting , I value the craft and the sheer effort of making paintings , but I was beginning to begrudge the amount of time it took me to complete even the simplest of paintings , from less than a day or so it began to take upwards of a month to complete one single painting , I began to dread going into my makeshift mobile home studio more and more.)

Looking through some pages about manipulating digital cameras in various ways I came across and article about Philip Stearns , a new media artist working with electronics , old digital cameras and something called circuit bending , (find his blog here ) so I followed the leads up , found his blog and starting learning something new , there was a word for the fault that I'd found - Glitch.

New script I'm working on.

 Above image is the output from a new script that I'm working on which is similar to other scripts that I've created recently but ra...