Friday 4 June 2021

Hex editing Tarot cards.


I don't often make gifs, this one was made back in 2014 from the following images and a few more . The source images were black and white versions of tarot cards which I'd found online and which as far as I know were published under a creative commons license. The technique I used was one I talked about in a previous blog post 'Heads and tails' which gives this cut up and bloccy effect , especially when using black and white images as a base .



     Why the Tarot though ? Throughout my life as an artist I've come back to the tarot time and again as there is something about the imagery that tugs at the subconscious. A training as a painter ( My degree is in fine art painting) taught me about looking for a hint or a suggestion of the other , the thing within a painting that needs to be brought out , a process of listening and interaction in the same way that reading the tarot requires listening to what the cards are suggesting rather than forcing my will or ego upon them. I also apply that philosophy to what I make now, when I'm looking at video or images I'm making I try to listen to those ticklings from the subconscious and allow that to guide me .

You can see the full set here  on my shiny newish Tumblr blog .


ikillerpulse ( requires in working directory)

I've been working on this script for the last week or so. What does it do? It takes an input video/s,  converts to a format we can use f...