In response to a question in an online diwo ( do it with others) session during this years Fubar I came up with a script that uses openssl to generate random hex numbers which can then be used to glitch the same image over and over but with random values.
The script is below , its a bit rough and ready and requires that you have imagemagick installed ( on windows via chocolatey) and openssl and run it through git-bash. Note the commented out sections - for linux it works as is for windows comment out the linux section and uncomment the windows section) - I made a gif from the 23 images generated as proof of concept.
Try adjusting the values after where hex is written ie
from=$(openssl rand -hex 1)
to=$(openssl rand -hex 2)
in each case try different values after the -hex upt to 256 ( equal values in each statement will yield little or no change)
Script is below ( dont forget to chmod u+x it !!)
#! /bin/bash
echo -n "name of image ? : "
read f
echo -n "How many iterations (whole number) : "
read n
#magick convert $f test.ppm
convert $f test.ppm
while [ $i -lt $n ]
from=$(openssl rand -hex 1)
to=$(openssl rand -hex 2)
xxd -p test.ppm | sed 's/'$from'/'$to'/g' | xxd -p -r > help.ppm
#magick convert help.ppm $i.jpg
convert help.ppm image-00$i.jpg
rm help.ppm