Wednesday 26 April 2023

Four or five windows.


Ever had the need to have five or six ffplay windows running on screen at the same time and in specified places? Well after much reading of a manual page and trial and error for placement I came up with this script on PureOS linux. I've migrated most of my boxes over to fully fsf approved os's now. More info on PureOS here and list of FSF approved Linux distros here

Its taken a while for me to get to this stage and I had to abandon the idea of using a non systemd based distro like Gnuinos and I really don't have the  time to install Parabola which though good can be a little haphazard and no longer has an up to date Live Lxde version which for most people is the easiest way of running and installing ( I've installed from both the live lxde version and the cli installation version and the cli install is just antiquated and painful ) so PureOS it is . I had tried Trisquel  but as great as it is it doesnt allow for installing python3-pip without workarounds, I get the argument that python3-pip is problematic but as PureOS allows me to install it PureOS it is . 

Below is the script for opening multiple windows on a linux system running PureOS ( though it should work in other linux distros with a recent ffmpeg installed)  on ICEWM - adjust window size and position for your screen size - this is for 1366x768)

#! /bin/bash
#./ &
ffplay -f x11grab -follow_mouse centered -framerate 5 -video_size 1280x720 -i :0.0 &
# top left hand corner
ffplay -left 0 -top 0 -f x11grab -follow_mouse centered -framerate 5 -video_size 320x288 -i :0.0 &
# top right hand corner
ffplay -left 1035 -top 0 -f x11grab -follow_mouse centered -framerate 5 -video_size 320x288 -i :0.0 &
# bottom left hand corner above toolbar
ffplay -left 0 -top 420 -f x11grab -follow_mouse centered -framerate 5 -video_size 320x288 -i :0.0 &
# bottom right corner
ffplay -left 1035 -top 420 -f x11grab -follow_mouse centered -framerate 5 -video_size 320x288 -i :0.0 &
# centre large 640x480
#ffplay -f x11grab -follow_mouse centered -framerate 5 -video_size 640x480 -i :0.0 &
# centre small
ffplay -f x11grab -follow_mouse centered -framerate 5 -video_size 320x288 -i :0.0

New script I'm working on.

 Above image is the output from a new script that I'm working on which is similar to other scripts that I've created recently but ra...