Ghost in the shell trailer 2017
Simple Minds new promotional material with images by Heitor Magno ( find his work here Heitor Magnos' work) which refer back to images by Rosa menkman and especially her ‘vernacular of file formats’ -
Heitor Magno cover for Simple Minds 'Walk between worlds' |
Rosa Menkman from 'a vernacular of file formats' |
' A vernacular of file formats' is a hugely influential treatise written by Menkman which runs through image formats , they way they can be be destroyed and re-written , and I see it as a huge influence on modern design aesthetics and advertising in general - you can find a copy of it here
though her Glitch studies manifesto could be considered equally as important.
In footwear - Adidas GLITCH football boot system, its design ,advertising, concept and slang #GLITCHFAM ( similar to Glitch artists collective where’s the glitch fam ( plus use in their adverts of concept of open source etc, words like hacked) which not only incorporates style elements and artifacts seen in glitch but also co-opts its language and some of its source , ie the open source movement where a lot of glitch arts tools come from and are shared ( more glitch aesthetic - lost count of how many times people in certain groups ask if there's an ae plug in or photoshop method for creating glitch look and feel. Though it must be said from an artists point of view these take the appearance rather than the substance of glitch art , it isn’t a search for error that characterises these uses for the main , more a search for modernity and edge, the concerns of design over art.
Naimus studio for Adidas 2017
Though in textiles ( which with jacquard looms could be seen as a precursor to computing ) - Phillip Stearns has successfully transferred his investigations into circuit bent cameras into glitch textile design which has been taken up by Dior and others ) find his work here
and work for Dior -