Friday 2 April 2021

Those things lost to time and bit rot - Blvckvan.



 You've all seen it, wandering the corridors of the web we come across a website or blog that has seemingly been left deserted, stranded in time an orphan to ideas or lives that have taken a different turn . The people we meet online, some we never know or meet in real life or even know their real names - and then there are those who appear and then just vanish. 

In my early days posting to Glitch artists collective there was a poster called Blvckvan ( spelling is correct) and they posted some of the most interesting work I'd seen. I drifted away from GAC for a while but then returned but Blvkvan had gone, disappeared. 

I found a wordpress blog recently and that set me to wondering what happens to all those who disappear on the web leaving only dead sites and a trail of images in search results which never resolve to a new address or identity. But of course nostalgia is the currency of the internet for times lived or times that were never lived ( see the early history of sites once used and now dead and gone like Friends reunited or Myspace).

For what its worth, and to see some really great work here's a link to Blvckvan's site -

ikillerpulse ( requires in working directory)

I've been working on this script for the last week or so. What does it do? It takes an input video/s,  converts to a format we can use f...